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Sample text heavy gibberish
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We are March-ing towards Spring. Happily, as we prepare to say good bye to Old Man Winter, the crocuses are already breaking ground. St Paddy's Day and March Madness are upon us - and MLB's Spring Training has begun - prepping the way for the return of the Boys of Summer. That's enough to keep anyone busy this month.
We hope your web site is up to the task. You posted your holiday specials and events on your web site weeks ago - right? You've emailed your prospects and clients? Display pieces are up? Ads are running? Good for you ...
We are already thinking about April and May and the warmer weather. We're already working on Spring and early Summer promotional campaigns for our clients. Hey - does anyone know where I put my gardening gloves?
Oh well ...never fear ... We'll be ready - and so will our clients.